Palieri (Michel Palieri), red dessert grape variety
The varietal Michel Palieri is well liked mainly because of its colour black-violet and of the beauty of its clusters.
Good affinity with P1103, but not with So4 et 161-49.
It is characterized by medium to large cluster, conical, with one wing, semi-compact to loose. The grain of this grape variety is very large, oval to oblong, with juicy texture, harmonious neutral taste. The skin is thick, tough, dark blue, covered with heavy bloom. Grapes ripen in the second half of September. The vines are strongly growing.
The variety is not inclined to bunch stem necrosis and millerandage, attacked by plain and powdery mildew, but is virtually resistant to gray mold. It is sensitive to low winter temperatures. It requires deep, fertile, fresh soil and irrigation. Palieri variety of grape used for fresh consumption, but maintains its appearance and leaving a long vine and storage.